About Me

My name is Mr. Heilmann. I am a Childhood Special Education teacher. I have two bachelors degrees, a B.S. in Psychology, and a B.S. in Sociology, and a Masters of Science in Teaching Childhood and Childhood Special Education.

My job and purpose as an educator is to provide students with the resources needed to be successful learners. They need to learn how to problem solve effectively, and be able to relate the material I teach to their lives. In doing so the students will feel the need to learn the material. From my experience, it is much harder to focus on learning something that does not appear to be relevant in my own life. As developing children, I believe that some of the most important traits for them to develop are communication and collaboration. Based on this, your children will be spending a lot of time working with the other students in pairs or small groups.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."  - Abraham Lincoln